Kinderbook Children's Centers, Logo (508) 699-9253 Plainville
(781) 762 6700 Norwood

Frequently Asked Questions

 Q:  Does Kinderbook provide meals and snacks?
A:  Kinderbook does not provide any meals. We do offer morning and afternoon snacks along with water.

Q:  What type of payment does Kinderbook accept?
A:  We accept all major credit cards, state vouchers, cash, money orders, and checks.

Q:  Does Kinderbook close during the year for vacation?
A:  No, Kinderbook does not close for any vacations. We're only closed on holidays.

Q:  Does Kinderbook have a high teacher turnover rate?
A:  No, a majority of our teachers have been here for over five years.

Q:  Will Kinderbook teachers help with potty training?
A:   Yes, our Kinderbook staff will help with potty training. Potty training varies from child to child. We will put our best effort in to getting your child potty trained.